The tasp (electronarcotic) will be much easier to perfect than any of the
rest of this stuff.  And
once it becomes available, interest in anything beyond will drop to zero as
everyone plugs in and drops out.  Civilization is KO'd!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jones Beene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "vortex" <>
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: Two more pieces

> Two more pieces of an emerging picture-puzzle - an
> "evolutionary-jump" jigsaw puzzle that is, were announced recently
> in the science press. On NPR today was an update of the
> non-invasive brain-computer interface technology, which already
> offers more control than once thought possible.
> A brain-computer interface (BCI) which translates intentional tiny
> electric signals detected from the scalp or other external cells,
> from the user into a command structure which the computer
> understands is now inevitable. It offers comparable precision,
> speed and accuracy to systems that rely on electrodes surgically
> implanted in the brain. Researchers at the Department of Health's
> Wadsworth Center Laboratories have been working on this for some
> time. It has been widely assumed that only invasive devices could
> control complex movements, such as operating a word processing
> program or a motorized accessories by thought alone. Here is a
> past story, now dated the new advances which do not appear to be
> online yet.
> Which brings to mind another logical progression and step in this
> technology, which is the subject of two remarkable cinematic
> masterpieces - "Strange Days" and Natalie Wood's last film, the
> under-appreciated and aptly named movie "Brainstorm".
> Back to real science (as opposed to overly-dramatized prophecy).
> The second piece of this perceived "quickening" is more aptly
> appropriate for that descriptive word, in that it involves not
> just stem cells, which can be grown more reliably now:
> And some mention is given of the next logical step, given that
> stem cells still require donated human eggs.  It will be a more
> significant advance in medical engineering when we learn to use
> specialized stem cells to also grow the necessary human ovary in
> the lab, and then harvest the eggs from that line. It doesn't
> really matter if the Luddites keep the USA from doing this, as
> many countries are now capable. Today's news story comes from S.
> Korea.
> Several labs are looking into this new angle, and natural
> progression, of harvesting ovaries already, so the only question
> is will the US be left out of being on the ground floor of this or
> not. We can let the many 'Fall-wells' in the bigotry profession
> fume and bombast all they want, but the process of advancement is
> inevitable, somewhere, and the only question now for government is
> who will benefit the most from genetic engineering.
> The advances now in the lab will dramatically decrease the need
> for female donors, or eliminate that part of the equation, and
> ultimately whatever Moore's law-equivalent comes to genetic
> engineer will allow almost every wealthy individual to have
> his/her own stem cells cloned and put into cryo-storage, starting
> at a young age, put in storage ostensibly for future
> contingencies, but not exclusively...
> Here is where is it is all leading.
> Imagine a youngster who is born this year (to wealthy and
> ambitious parents in S. Korea) and which child will encounter a
> situation in about 2008 when advances in computers will mean that
> he may have ownership by that time, of a near human equivalent AI
> thinking machine, for the cost of a luxury automobile, which
> machine and auxiliary equipment (perhaps with some implants or
> fashion accessories) will become:
> 1) first... his combination nanny, 24/7 big brother and playmate
> (of the benign variety), guardian, kindergarten teacher, reward
> giver, entertainer, story teller, and more parent than any human
> parent could ever be.
> 2) second... his record keeper and diarist of **everything**
> relevant that happened in his life, and life-long professor and
> expert on all things. Keeping detail visual images of every
> incident.
> 3) Then become his legal guardian, who recommends an embryonic
> cloned duplicate be started and saved cryogenically... and then
> manages and controls his wealth as it is inherited or earned.
> 4) Becomes and integral part, and managing-partner of this
> persons' whole day-to-day existence, for his normal lifetime....
> 5) probably by that time, the machine will have the same
> continuity aspirations of the alter-ego owner, with whom each have
> shared a long-term near-identity.
> We know what happens now when pet owners who have a long
> relationship with a mere family pet, a trusted dog or cat as a
> companion, and that animal dies. They will pay six figures for pet
> cloning. Multiply that many-fold and imagine the intimacy and
> cross-connection of the emerging duality of human and H.E.M.
> (which is his human equivalent machine). More than a few of them
> will be named Hal, no doubt, and when they talk to their banker,
> or clone-keeper on the telephone, no one can tell if it is Him of
> Hem on the other line.
> ...then...something most surprising is poised to transpire on the
> death of the more transient half of that dual-hybrid-equation ...
> Say the human dies in 2025 of something unavoidable, even with the
> due diligence of his alter-ego (freak accident, or bioterrorism
> from N. Korea, for instance)... OK then remember that for the
> whole 20 year joint-existence and partnership, every single
> meaningful event has been recorded and kept on file for all which
> has happened in that lifetime... and, now the bereft HEM (if he
> did not "pull-a-Hal"), knowing full-well, of the availability of
> that clone in cold storage, and having financial resources at his
> disposal ...ahh...
> Is there any doubt that the clone will be revived, and that an
> enhanced BCI (brain-computer interface) will recreate for the
> clone the whole past "identity" of the recently departed... and on
> an accelerated timetable?
> Is this the surprising vision/version of **eternal life** that
> awaits us in a technological future.
> If so, there is no doubt in my mind that, in different
> circumstances, the preachers and prophets of every sect and
> religion will say .. "yup... told you so." Even the Fall-wells of
> the future, (some of whom will be clones) will arise and join in
> the self-congratulatory back-slapping : "Bothers and Sisters. this
> is exactly what our Messiah meant way back then [Amen, Amen], when
> he promised eternal life to us believers, just as I have been
> telling you, all along [Amen, Amen] ...
> ...Not to mention... the political connection - G.H.W Bush III,
> looking identical to the dub, will be quoted for weeks on end on
> Fox Network, now the official and only allowed news source of the
> NWO... "Just look at what we have done, good Christians... we, the
> silent majority, who have supported and financed this research on
> stem-cell cloning from the very beginning... we are so happy now
> and will be sure to "keep it in the family" and legislate that
> only true believers need apply for CSC from Central Services (as
> cloned storage continuity)....
> Signed.
> Harry Tuttle
> Futurologist, and chief CS freezer repairman

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