Metal Hydrides will be out (only my prediction) and nanophase diamond will win for safe hydrogen storage. My tabletop particle accelerator (23.5 feet shorter than Lazar's) produces high purity nano phase diamond that soaks up hydrogen like a sponge, just like the literature indicates that it should.
I can't blame Bob for tinkering, but he really should consider hydrogen embrittlement when it comes to running H2 through that high power Corvette engine. 
Bob once mentioned he did not know of any earth element that the gravity A field could be accessed from. I suggest if an element is ripped to shreds within a powerful enough Plasma such as mine - the gravity A field is exposed and that may be what is radiating from the Plasma during thermal runaway and other specific conditions. Any comment Bob?
Chris Arnold

RC Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Perhaps the silence can be attributed to the Bob Lazer article contained in the Las Vegas news.. see link
I chuckle at this guy.
GM has spent a small fortune researching metal hydrides for storing hydrogen gas safely for automotive use and Bob comes up with a home made 25 ft particle accelerator for hydride concentration. I love it.
Look at the video of the pipe coming out of the roof of his garage. He must drive em nuts with his ability to attract the press.
Does it work ??
Who knows him well enough to find out. If his work on hydrides represents a valid technology, whoopee doo for him !!

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