Steven mentions SBC in his comments on Vonage. Vonage is already in the USA as part owner of the telecon industries. Some actually believe SBC, Verizon, Cingular and AT&T are competitors.
Lets look at them: SBC just bought AT&T, Verizon( the old General Telephone or later GTE, Cingular is SBC and Atlanta Bell in  drag. Verizon and Vonage are joined at the hip.The CEO's of each are hand picked by Wall Street ( your local friendly banker named CITI and Chase.
The Texas leg just finished the deal allowing SBC et al to engage in telecon via tv without control by individual cities in Texas. This means TimeWarner has a REAL problem along with troubles with AOL.
Notice IBM bought a small IT company that has a lock on software for security  for banks, credit cards, defense and security issues. The interesting part of this news is that the IT company was funded initially by the CIA.. Hmmm ??
This software is also designed for internet monitors.
As the field in telecon narrows it doesn't mean lower costs, the people that run the industry have a firm hand on the direction.
Keep your eyes on SBC,,, they have it going for them and they have a way of increasing the price.
My Cingular wireless( SBC in drag) charges increased.


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