>in keeping with the
> sentiment of several prior post's including that excellent one of
> Nick, that there is NO physical evidence whatever: nada, zero
> zilch - of any physical alien presence, now or ever, but in many
> cases sbstituing the word "divine" for "alien" can move one over
> many hurtles.

This is the delemma.  If even 10 % of the UFO sightings and alien contacts
in the world are authentic (actually believed by the subject and not faked),
then the Earth is undeniably the crossroads of the universe!  And, what
would cause us to be at this juncture?  Surely not our geographical location
in this galaxy.  The only logical explanation is that the human race is
really, really, REALLY important to someone or some group.

Now, couple this with the fact that for all of these visits and attention
paid to us, we have no physical evidence.

A conclusion can be drawn from this, that these entities, who are so
determined to convince us of the existance of advanced alien technologies,
have in fact almost no power to affect us on a material level, that
sightings may merely be visions inserted into peoples brains and not actual
sightings at all!

> There is an extremely large amount of evidence for a subtle
> guiding "influence" which itself has only one common trait -
> extremely focused "intellignece" taking human form and directing
> the subject-species along a particular path

Many New Agers have their spirit guides whom they believe to be spiritual
benefactors.  Might these be demons who are acting nice for now because it
fits their purpose.  These demons (fallen angels) do not take their marching
orders from God.  When the time is right they may manifest themselves more
openly, masquerading as aliens, because we have been primed for decades to
receive them as technically advanced aliens and not as demons.  This plan
may not be going well because of all the scary movies.  The nasty aliens
ginned up by Hollywood are so bad they could make an honest to God demon
look like a descent fellow.

If there is a hypothesis that fits the facts better than this one I haven't
heard it yet.


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