> I'm prejudiced toward the idea that over millennia some electrons from the Solar Wind,
> Solar and Cosmic Rays have been trapped in and on the earth, thus giving rise
> to most of the electrostatic phenomena seen throughout the ages.
As a rough cut (in my opinion) the capacitance C of the earth compared
to a charged sphere with Radius R and dielectric constant  K (K = 1 to 80)
eo = the capacitance (permittivity of space) 8.85e-12 farad/meter:
C = R * K*eo =  6.38e6 * K * 8.85e-12  Farads.
 With K = 1 = 5.65e-5 farads, or at K = 80 =4.52e-3 farads.
Since charge Q = CV assuming the voltage V is the ~300,000 volts
(the fair weather field) between the earth and ionosphere:
Q = 5.65e-5 * 300,000 =  17 coulombs at K = 1, ranging up to 1,355 coulombs
at K = 80.
The "free energy" associated with free (uncommitted) electrons  (e*) reacting
with the Na+ (and other cations) in the ocean:
1,  2 Na+ + 2 (e*) ----> 2  (Na*)
2, 2 (Na*) + 2 H2O ----> 2 Na+ 2 OH +  2 (H*)
3, 2 OH ---->   H2O2 ---->   H2O +  O
4,  2  (H*)  + O   ----> H2O   +  2 (e*)  +  Free Energy
This frees up the original (e*) electrons to repeat the cycle.
The "Free Energy Density" is limited by the local (e*) concentration.

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