Dr. Shanahan has now published two papers (Thermochimica Acta 428 (2005) 207, Thermochim. Acta 382 (2002) 95) in which he argues that excess heat claimed to be produced by cold fusion is actually caused by errors in heat measurement. In particular, he proposes that unrecognized changes in the calibration constant are produced by changes in where heat is being generated within the electrolytic cell over the duration of the measurement. Because these papers may lend support to those people who reject the cold fusion claims, these erroneous arguments used by Shanahan need to be answered.

Shanahan makes two basic assumptions: that heat can be produced at different locations within a cell because recombination between the evolved D2 and O2 gases can take place at different locations, and that a flow calorimeter is sensitive to where heat is being produced in the cell. Both of these assumptions have been shown by experimental observation to be false.

As anyone who has actually viewed an electrolytic cell will testify, all D2 is generated at the cathode and all O2 is generated at the anode, with both gases rising rapidly to the surface as bubbles. Bubbles contain mainly only one of these gases. Consequently, recombination can not take place within a bubble, as Shanahan proposes. In addition, it is well known that H2 (D2) and O2 gases can not react in the absence of a catalytic solid surface or without an energy source. Very few bubbles reach the opposite electrode so that surface recombination on the electrode surface is also small. The recombination process has been explored by a number of people and is summarized by Storms (www.LENR-CANR.org/StormsEacriticale.pdf ).

Before discussing the location of heat production and the sensitivity of the calibration constant, I would first like to provide a general background about calorimetry. More details can be found in “Calorimetry 101 for Cold Fusion” found at www.LENR-CANR.org. Three types of calorimeters are normally used to measure heat production in cold fusion cells. The isoperibolic type measures temperature drop across a thermal barrier located between the electrolyte and a constant temperature bath. If the cell wall is used as the barrier, errors can result if the source of heat changes location. Such errors are well known and were acknowledged in earlier studies. Most work is now based on use of a flow calorimeter, which determines heat production based on the temperature change of water flowing through or around the cell. This design has been examined previously to determine the effect of heat location, as discussed by Storms (www.LENR-CANR.org/StormsEdescriptio.pdf). For example, calibration using an internal resistor causes heat to be produced at an entirely different location compared to when energy is applied by electrolysis. Nevertheless, electric power applied to a resistor gives the same calibration constant as when energy is applied to a dead cathode. In other words, a large change in where heat is generated within the cell has little or no effect on the error in measured heat. More recently, Seebeck calorimeters are used, which generate a voltage proportional to the temperature difference across a thermal barrier that completely surrounds the cell. This type is also completely immune to where heat is being generated within the cell, yet excess heat has been reported. In addition, recombination is frequently not an issue because most people now use a recombiner within the cell so that all D2 and O2 is returned to D2O within the calorimeter. A person does not need to speculate, as Shanahan has done, about the effect caused by moving the source of heat because no such effect has been observed when using a flow or Seebeck calorimeter.

Shanahan also comments about an earlier paper of mine (www.LENR-CANR.org/Stormsexcesspowe.pdf) about which he published an earlier critique (Thermochim. Acta 382 (2002) 95). In his most recent paper, he rejects my claim for excess energy because an error in the calibration constant of 2.5% would explain the claimed excess. He does not acknowledge that I found only a 1.6% variation based on many measurements done over three months. In addition, he has not explained why the calibration constant would suddenly make such a change exactly when applied current was changed to initiated the excess power and do this four times, and then fail to change at other times. Of course, it is easy to reject any claim just by assuming a large enough experimental error, but is this a proper analysis?

Anyone who has actually used such calorimeters knows that errors can occur, which might be interpreted as excess heat. Unfortunately, the analysis made by Shanahan is so poorly done that these errors remain unexplored. In addition, it is hard not to feel embarrassed for the peer review process that was applied to these papers and the reputation of the journal in which such papers are published. Papers that attempt to show that cold fusion is not real should be evaluated using the same standards skeptics want applied to papers that support such claims.

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