Not to stray too far from the point of my post, my device is producing a highly volatile Pulsed Plasma with a 60 watt power supply instead of a 20000 watt power supply. LENR are occurring with normal Plasma devices and my device seems to be doing the same at a fraction of the power normally required.
My device is a simplified Gray motor and operates on Grays most closely guarded secret but something he was not able to refine - the direct arc discharge. Gray coupled the Igor Alexev plasma tube in parallel with an arc gap and redirected the inductive kickback into the Plasma Tube to drive pistons. I have done away with the Plasma tubes and the result is a high energy, undamped direct arc discharge across the contacts which was not possible or known of before I designed it. Since my patent explains how to safely and consistently accomplish this, many people have now copied it - like Konzen, Lindermann, Al Francour and others. Gray never showed the arc discharge but Mr. Francour has it included into drawings as a "three prong spark gap" in place of Grays original "non discrete" power switch.
A Gray motor without the plasma tubes is not a Gary motor and this simplified version is covered within my US patent. The Gray motor was a tremendously complex and wonderful design for production of mechanical power, however my designs greatest value is in the broad "claims" for uses of the "Plasma."
With this technology (and investors) we can destroy toxic waste, produce syngas, methane & Hydrogen as well as new synthetic diamond products, or use the plasma for its ultimate purpose - to produce clean power and beyond. For $250,000 a 10% partnership in the wide open market of "Unique" Plasma Created diamond products.
Plasma Gasification has many valuable uses, it is REAL and my device simply produces Plasma differently, and using less power than current Plasma devices.
Chris Arnold

"Stephen A. Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Christopher Arnold wrote:

> Frank,
> Wonderful information. For another Plasma video of a man-made plasma
> event go here.
> I was told by a plasma expert that his estimate of the current
> required for this event would be at least 2000 amps. Tests indicate my
> device draws under 100 watts per hour (miliamps)

What is a "watt per hour"?

And why would the device's limited total _power_ draw show that the peak
plasma _current_ must be any particular value?

> something else must be happening to produce such a violent plasma event.
> Chris */
> /*

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