Subject: RE: Is Big Brother watching?

Microsoft's Longhorn has spyware plan 

Black box is Vole's 007

By Nick Farrell: Wednesday 27 April 2005, 07:05

PERVASIVE SOFTWARE giant Microsoft says that it is planning to install
spyware into the next version of Windows to help it work out why its
operating system crashes.

According to Cnet, Chief Volester, Sir Bill Gates announced a plan to
install a 'black box' recorder into Longhorn. Then when the operating system
crashes it will send details to Redmond as to what you were doing when the
crash happened.

The black box will be built on the Watson error-reporting tool, but will
provide Microsoft with much deeper information, and even the contents of
documents that were being created. 

Don't fear, Gates told the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC),
businesses will be able to switch the thing off and home users will be able
to tell Vole how much data they want to send. 

Reporting will also be anonymous. 



-----Original Message-----
From: leaking pen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: Is Big Brother watching?

you mean like longhorn?

On 6/23/05, thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I posted;
> >At 10:32 pm 22/06/2005 -0500, you wrote:
> >>An E E took his new computer apart and found a chip which appears to 
> >>been placed in the circuitry by Home Land Security.
> >  
> > >
> > z/lol.html
> And Grimer replied;
> >No he is not.  The clue is in the end of the URL  (lol = laugh out
> >loud)
> >
> >GG
> Another Urban Legend bites the dust.  If they wanted to monitor what 
> we are doing, the best way would be to build spyware into the OS.

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