thomas malloy wrote:
I wrote;

And Ed Storms responded;

Well Thomas, I give "hot fusion" a 0 chance for success for the following reasons:

I was giving the designers the benefit of the doubt when I gave them a 5% chance of success. Perhaps they have come up with some new wrinkle that you are unaware of. Barring that however, there chances of success are closer to your estimate.

Let me elaborate a little more on the problem with hot fusion. Most of the effort has been devoted to solving the problem of keeping the plasma at a high density for a sufficient time. Once this problem is solved, several other problems remain. Hot fusion, no matter the method used, generates a large number of neutrons. These neutrons carry away energy that must be harvested. In addition, the device must make tritium because only tritium-deuterium fusion has the necessary low cross-section. The plan, as I understand it, is to absorb the neutrons in a surrounding blanket of circulating liquid lithium deuteride. This process converts energy in the neutron to He4 and tritium, which is used in the plasma. Consequently, a method must be developed to circulated liquid LiD, from which heat and tritium are extracted and recovered. This is not only a serious engineering problem, but a danger if a leak should occur. Eventually, chemistry will be the downfall of the method.

As for your cheap shot about liberals, the word no longer has a useful meaning other than to provide a way to insult people who still have an ideal view of government

I have suggested on several occasions that you visit Dennis Prager's website and take his "are you a liberal quiz". It will give you some insights into what the word liberal has come to mean, regardless of what you think it means.

I suggest the word means what Dennis thinks it means because he picked the questions that define the word. In any case, I do not understand why a person having such beliefs should be held in low regard, especially because many of these people are concerned about the welfare of the whole human race, just as you are. You and they only differ in the approach you think would work best. History has shown that both approaches have done good as well as harm when used to extreme.

Last Thursday Dennis was interviewing the retired Episcopal bishop John Spong, AKA The Heretic Spong. Following the interview, Dennis spent an hour commenting on the incoherence of the liberal mind. This included some comments on The Heretic and some on the Italian journalist Oriana Filochi who is facing trial in Italy for making disparaging remarks about Islam, and throat cancer. Ms. Filochi is a leftist and an atheist, and Dennis is a Bushie supporter and a Religious Jew, so it's curious that they should agree on anything. That area of agreement a leftist notion called cultural relativism (the idea that all cultures are all equally good) which is leading to cultural suicide. It has been suggested that leftists are possessed with a self loathing, which is responsible for these suicidal tendencies.

Such conclusions are nothing more than childish insults.

Dennis said that most academics, outside of the physical sciences, write incoherently, and that academic composers produce discordant music. Dennis believes that this is a reflection of their incoherent minds. The same thing applies to lawyers and politicians who are hamstringing our police and military in their fight against the enemy who wants to conquer us.

Let's be realistic, Thomas. At one time the Japanese, the Germans, and even the British wanted to conquer us, but how do you suppose terrorists would conquer us or how would they govern if they succeeded? The issue is our treatment of countries in the Middle East. We have repeatedly shown lack of fairness with respect to the Israel - Palestine problem and our wish to control oil from the region won us many enemies. The effort is designed to get us out of the sacred areas, destroy Israel, and now get us out of Iraq. By distorting the issue, the government has caused you and many other people to fight the wrong war. As a result, we are making more terrorists than we are killing. I suggest people who support government policies show more incoherence than "liberals" because they use false information and distortion of reality to make their case. As a result, the country is now in another "Vietnam situation". For a society that is supposed to have a free press and an open society, we sure are slow to learn.

The Salem Radio Hosts in general, and Dennis in particular, are beginning to realize that this incoherence extends into the physical sciences too. This is no surprise to me, since I have witnessed Parksie's continuing attacks on Intelligent Design and Holistic Medicine, and his unflagging support of hot fusion.

IMHO, the Hot Fusion efforts are another example of this mental incoherence. The liberal theologian, from whose website it copied the URL for the fusion reactor had glowing reviews about unlimited amounts of pollution free energy. Now I realize that he was just repeating what he was told, but someone gave this technological turkey the glowing reviews. Meanwhile, Chris Arnold and Mark Goldes are out begging for a few hundred thousand in order to pursue another method, which might just work.

and human interaction. The word "conservative" used to describe such people. Now the conservative is someone who believes in self interest and insists that everyone else share their self interest, whether it be religious belief or economic approach. This attitude is gradually eliminating conventional freedoms and producing an economic system that favors the truly rich, while fooling other people into thinking that they are actually rich or will become rich.

The Republican Party is divided into three groups, the capitalists, the imperialists, and the people of faith. People of faith Conservatives still believe that everything would be better if people looked out for their own self interest. There's more to this controversy than wanting wealth Ed. It's a fundamental clash of World views. But more importantly, "Liberalism's Achilles Heel is it's inability to confront evil," this is a quote from Daniel Patrick Monahan, who was no Republican. This inability is yet another manifestation of the incoherence of the Liberal mind. It wouldn't be a problem except that we are facing an external enemy who is dedicated to our destruction.

Is Greenspan evil because he has created a financial bubble in housing that will eventually destroy the middle class? Is Bush evil because he attacked another country based on known false information and has now made the terrorist situation worse? (Is the killing of Americans in Iraq progress?) Is Clinton evil because he promoted NAFTA that is now destroying the manufacturing infrastructure of the US? Does our destruction only result from an external enemy?


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