jed, i swear, head over to  we could use you.  ill even
sponsor you for totalfark.  we have discussions like this daily.  its
great fun.

On 6/27/05, Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grimer wrote:
> >I very much hope and pray that he hasn't "progressed" beyond Pius IX
> >and I look forward to the day when the "battle lines" are once again
> >"wonderfully clear"
> I rest my case! We are in perfect agreement. I accuse Grimer of letting
> religion trump academic freedom, and interfere with science, and Grimer
> agrees that is exactly what he believes, and what he would do.
> By the way, that 1896 quote from Pope Pius was an attack against evolution.
> A few decades later, the next Pope endorsed evolution, and it is now the
> officially sanctioned view of the Church that Darwin was right, and
> evolution did occur. So, if Grimer prays that the Pope Pius would stick to
> his guns, that makes both of them heretics. Woops! The authorities back in
> 1920 ordered Grimer to switch sides, but he didn't get the message.
> I am kidding. Grimer did not realize that the particular "revealed
> doctrine" Pius was pontificating about later turned out to be un-revealed,
> just like the opposition to the Copernican theory that the earth orbits the
> sun, and the Church's endorsement of slavery (which ended around 1870 as I
> recall). Heresy, like treachery, is a matter of dates. You have to believe
> whatever "revealed doctrine" they come up with, when they tell it to you,
> and then you have to turn on a dime and believe the exact opposite as soon
> as They Change Their Minds. It calls for a kind of mental agility that I
> could never master, despite my years of training in cultural relativism.
> Now I promise I will drop the subject, but I must say, this was FUN!
> - Jed

"Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to
make it possible for you to continue to write"  Voltaire

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