Ed Storms replied

I agree with you, Frank, some cultures are better than others, just as some scientific theories and some people are better than others.

Amazing coming from you Ed.

Some cultures are peaceful while others go to war. Some cultures pretend to value the individual, while placing increasing emphasis on the state.

Some cultures have a "Holy" book which tells them to conquer or convert the Infidels. Some cultures think that women should be treated like cattle.

Some cultures are too corrupt to hold fair elections and others allow big companies to rip off the population. Fortunately, we do not have such a culture.

I've heard the stick that the election was rigged, I can't prove a negative. My bias would be that since the big money interests support the Democrats, they would have won. Your bias is that the big money interests support the war. My bias is that enough Christians showed up at the poles to give Bushie the edge.

As for the "Big companies ripping off the resources" corporations don't consume resources, people do. It is very disingenuous for someone like you, who has lived the American lifestyle, to complain about the resources that we are consuming. Do you have a car? does it run on banana peels or grass clippings?

Nevertheless Frank, I get the impression that you think a culture based on Christian principles is better than one based on Islamic teachings or Buddhism, for example.

I don't know about Frank, but I definately feel that way. It would seem to me that since their plan is to cut your head off, unless you want to covert to Islam, you agree with me on this issue.

To further refine the approach, I assume only certain Christian beliefs are acceptable. I agree, Christianity in recent centuries has provided a good culture basis, the behavior of the Nazis during WWII

The Nazi's were pagans who killed more Christians were Jews!

and slave owners in the US south being big,

The slave owners ignored the instructions in the Torah regarding the treatment of slaves. The high standards set resulted in slavery dying out in Israel. The Christians in the North East were the driving force behind the Civil War. Beginning in the late 18th century, their intention was abolitionism.

but not the only, exceptions. But now in this century we are presented with a problem. Christianity, which is based on brotherly love and a value to all life, is believed to be in a war with Islam, a religion which represents a large fraction of the world's population and which is in control of most energy sources.

As I have pointed out previously Ed, some of us believe that the embodiment of Edom in this generation is Islam, as Nazism was in the last generation.

In addition, we are now running out of energy, land space, and water in many regions, but the Catholic Church will not support population limitations based on birth control.

Not as fast as we are running out of time.

The great Christian cultures are rapidly destroying the rain forests, over fishing the oceans, and polluting the atmosphere with CO2. In other words, a large number of Christians are taking several approaches that may well destroy our own culture while spending their political support and money trying to save other cultures from "evil". How do you deal with this problem?

Have you ever seen bugs (microorganisms) grown on a petri plate? They overgrow the medium and die. Well the Earth is a petri plate, and sustainability is a liberal myth.

At 01:55 pm 27/06/2005 -0400, you wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

That area of agreement a leftist notion called cultural relativism (the idea that all cultures are all equally good) which is leading to cultural suicide.

That definition of cultural relativity is completely wrong, misleading and childish.

I was quoting Prager. Of course, I do have a bias to agree with him. I wish that you would spend a few hours listening to his program and then call in and set him right.

The real problem seems to be in the meaning of the word relativism as opposed to relativity. For example,
Benedict XVI, however, has been critical of progressive Catholicism. In a homily delivered at a Mass before the cardinals began the conclave Monday, he warned against "relativism, which is letting oneself be 'swept along by every wind of teaching.' [It] looks like the only attitude [acceptable] to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism, which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires."

Cultural Relativitism has nothing what so ever to do with Special Relativity.

I wouldn't want to hoist you on your own petard because I think your post was very interesting and well argued.

If we fail to stop them the Islamists will do that after they take over the government.

However. I think you need to get inside the minds of people like Malloy and the Pope (and me for that matter) and recognise that we understand the word "relativism" in a different way than you might. 8-)


Frank Grimer

Ditto it's been fun

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