> From: thomas malloy


> Prager and I are Tzionists (Zionists). We believe we 
> are doing G-d's will by supporting Israel.

How comforting it must feel to know one is merely following the Almighty's will.

No more ambiguous moral dilemmas to grapple with. No more disquieting 
conundrums over whom should get what, or how to divvy up the spoils. Everything 
is clearly spelled out. No more confusion over what is good and what is bad. WE 
are the good guys. THEY are the bad guys. It is the Will of the Almighty that 
we eventually end up with all the good stuff. Sooner or later the Almighty 
tells us that it is His Will that we must go to war and kill off all the bad 
guys, guaranteeing that we will continue to get all the good stuff.

And on top of this, follow His Will and one is guaranteed entrance to heaven.

Oh, wait a minute! We're not talking about the belief system of a jihad 
committed terrorist here, are we.

PS: Do not misconstrue this as meaning that I'm implying that Israel does not 
have a right to exist, no more nor less than a Palestinian state.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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