I will pose a question to Terry.

What do the small, seemingly obscure sentences in Judges 8: 1-2 seem to you ?

( a member of the tribe of Ephraim speaking to Gideon, a member of the tribe of Manasseh ).

" Why have you treated us like this? Why didn't you call us when you went to fight Midian?"
But he answered them,
" What have I ( Gideon) accomplished compared to you? Aren't the gleaning of Ehpraim's grapes better than the full grape harvest of Abiezer"?

----- From: "Terry Blanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: OT Re: July 4

From: leaking pen

bushs america is not america.

You are absolutely correct. It is not clear that it is money which turns the earth, presently lubricated by oil? Does everyone here really believe that it matters which man holds the office of the presidency? The world agenda is set by those in power. Neither Bog nor chaos plays any role in what happens. It is all projected, planned and executed according to the Agenda.

You wanna blame someone, blame the Knights Templar. If you know why, then you likely know the truth.

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