Caveat: "Lethal Text" (LT) follows... and what you don't know can't skill you...

LT is like that "forbidden-fruit" kind of thing... you know, it even sounds deadly to us muttersprachers: ZITTERBEWEGUNG - not to be confused with the Turangalila jitterbug of cosmogenesis, or the dutch-treat: Ik zag de zon zakken in de Zuiderzee. Yup that's what they call ZPE in them ivory towers....
If there is such a thing as resonant zitterbewegung, aether-conditioning so-to-speak, then it may be the driving force of MAHG... but you didn't hear that here, Hannes.... ;-)

In Piers Anthony's SF story - "Macroscope", an alien message destroys the mind of anyone intelligent enough to understand it. Author Arthur used the famous "earworm" thing in a short story called "The Ultimate Melody". Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash" has the LT show up in broadband as a computer virus, which gives hackers their just desserts (wish I had something similar for spammers). The most famous version of LT outside the Bible (where you are no-vowelly protected) probably goes back to the "Sirens' song" of the old "Odyssey," not to be confused with the remake "A Space Odyssey" and the five notes you will never forget:

The old Odyssey is the classy (and fearless) version of LT - actually giving us a peek at the contents of the LT in advance. Apparently the Homeric text isn't too dangerous without the music - which brings up both the "monolith" metaphor in 2001, and the famous musical score. The monolith, cueing in on both Plato and Homer, emits a siren-like acknowledgement when it first sees sunlight.

I suspect that Zitterbewegung actually sounds like this and the aurora borealis and is in reality the primal Alfven wave ; but if Hannes had told you, then he would have to skill you. LT is also part of another zed-connection,  "Thus Spake Zarathustra,'' inspired by the words of another zed-connection: Nietzsche, and cinqo-noted ascension of man into dimension of gods, 4-space, of course. Edvard Munch supplied the unforgettable image - the view looking into the cold, frightening, magnificent and deadly abyss which is 4-space.

In one of his most widely read essays (both short and 'pregnant'), Hal Puthoff opines:
**Gravity can thus be understood as a kind of long-range Casimir force**

It all goes back to the well-known Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov, who put forward the radical hypothesis that gravity might not be a fundamental interaction at all ! gravity is another form of resonant aether-conditioning so-to-speak, like the driving force of MAHG... and one suspects that the if they ever get around to weighing the damn thing.... but you didn't hear that here.... ;-)

If gravity is a secondary or residual effect associated with other the EM field and with interdimensional effects, then the ZPE connection is somewhat easier to understand. Specifically, Sakharov suggested that gravity might be an *induced secondary effect* brought about by changes in the zero-point field ZPF, aka the aether (IOW gravity is a type of dimensional-shielding, due to the presence of matter). If correct, gravity would then be understood as just another variation on the Casimir theme, in which background zero-point-energy pressures were again responsible.

The approach to gravity was addressed by Puthoff by showing that every particle is situated in the sea of electromagnetic zero-point fluctuations develops this "jitter" motion, or  Zitterbewegung as it is called in the mother tongue. When there are two or more particles they are each influenced not only by the fluctuating background field, but also by the fields generated by the other particles, all similarly undergoing a "contact-high" of epo-moderated Zitterbewegung motion, and the inter-particle coupling due to these fields results in the attractive gravitational force, and add in a dose of large scale asymmetry brought on by curvature, and voila - the zed-connection and its ubiquitous signature - not exactly the mark of Zorro but the ultraviolet glow of cosmic glue.
More later,

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