Michael Huffman wrote...

>My picture is of a somewhat variable elastic H atom that is able absorb and
store some of the energy of the impact of H+H recombination but not enough to
allow an H2 molecule to stay together until a sufficient amount of energy has
been stored in the two individual atoms.  It could well be that immediately
after the initial dissociation, the H atoms have dropped to a lower energy
state, "shrunk", as Dr. Mills describes it, and that it takes many repeated
attempts at recombination before the two atoms have enough energy stored
internally that they are able to permanently reunite.  In the shrunken state,
they are simply not elastic enough to absorb the impact and stay together.

 Another key to whether or not the two atoms stay together has to do with the
distance traveled for them to reunite.  As the two atoms approach each other,
they are accelerating due to Casimir forces.  With each successive attempt to
reunite, a portion of the impact energy is internalized by the individual
atoms, giving them more elasticity.  The distance that they travel apart from
each other upon blowing apart again is shorter, making the next attempt to
reunite more likely for success until finally, a balance or equilibrium state
>is achieved. 


Interesting vision and description of H2 events by Michael. Now consider the atoms entering and exiting as being shaped like a vortex  and the picture would be remarkably similar to our observations of water vortexes created in our plexiglas test tank. Not nearly as random in formation and collapse as a casual observor would imagine.


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