Summing up the MAHG parameters:
300 K fill pressure 80 Torr
Filament:  2.5E-4 meters dia x 0.1 meters long
~0.1 ohms @ 300 K   ~1.13 ohms @ 2000 K
Filament Power Aprox.   127 watts @  2000 K   (12 Volts D.C.)
Filament Power Aprox 6.4 watts @ 5% duty cycle.  Temp < 2000 K ?
Aprox. MAHG volume 500 cm^3
Number of H2 molecules in chamber ~ 1.42E21
H2 Molecular Radius 1.16E-10 meters
H2 Molecule Collision Mean Free Path  (MFP) ~ 7.0E-3 Meters
Aprox. temperature per H2 molecule  @ 100 watts,  0.44 eV or 5,120 Deg K
H2 Molecular Velocity @  300 K   ~ 1.58E3 meters per second
H2 Molecular Velocity @  5,120 deg K ~ 6.52E3 meters per second
H2-H2 Molecular Collision Frequency @ 300 K  ~ 2.24E5 per second
H2- H2 Molecular Collision Frequency @ 5,120 deg K ~ 9.25E5 per second
Subject to criticism.   :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Frederick Sparber
Sent: 7/13/05 4:44:38 AM
Subject: Re: MAHG: How does H2 avoid constantly itself blowing apart?

Knuke Huffman wrote:
>  Another key to whether or not the two atoms stay together has to do with the
> distance traveled for them to reunite.  As the two atoms approach each other,
> they are accelerating due to Casimir forces.  With each successive attempt to
> reunite, a portion of the impact energy is internalized by the individual
> atoms, giving them more elasticity.
The Lennard-Jones Potential graph at this link illustrates what you're getting
at, Knuke.
One might go a step further and suggest that the short-range Casimir Force
is working in conjunction with the heat-induced Hard-Ball Collision force to push the two
atoms of the H2 molecule together (like compressing a spring).
This also points to an explanation as to  why pulsed heating of the MAHG is required.

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