At 12:01 pm 18/07/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>Haiko Lietz has published a new article in German on cavitation:
>It is attracting a lot of traffic to, from a link in the 
>article to a paper by Roger Stringham.
>- Jed

I was interested to read this bit,

    "Putterman demands a timed coincidence between 
    flashes of light due to sonoluminescence and 
    neutron measurements in a time window of a 
    billionth of a second. Taleyarkhan's group had 
    only shown a correlation to be within a 2 
    millisecond window." 

If I'm right in my view that fusion must be taking place
when the Beta-atmosphere "vacuum" is at or near the 
maximum pF then they will never get the timed coincidence 
that Putterman demands. It will be interesting to see how 
the story develops. I only hope the experimenters don't
"arrange" things, student fashion and correct a imaginary
systematic error to give the "right" result.

And if they do get the "wrong" result I hope they don't
do a Newlands and imagine the fusion can't be taking

Frank Grimer

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