Jones made an interesting comment on a past post regarding black holes which gave me pause and thought. Granted that black holes remain theoretical. We must remember that what is observed in distant space occurred some millions of years ago and is not necessarily indicative of the present.
Black holes may be nature's way of " balancing the equation" or the action similar to a capacitor. This seeming absurd conjecture could lead to " crazies" thinking in terms of " the other side" but. another view may be closer to Grimer's writing on compreture ( inverse of temperature) than we realize. Tesla stated he knew how to transmit electricity wireless.. hmmm.
How does all thsi nonsense apply to vortex? A clue may be in remembering the Ranque- Hilsch vortex tube design used for cooling by applying a high speed air vortex. Recall the tube produces heat at one end and cool at the other. Now consider the earth pictured as two vortex joined at the base ( two cones joined at the point) . If these imaginary vortex were conceived as two vortex tubes.. and they produced cold at the north and south pole and heat at the points, they would describe a weather scenario. Grimer seemingly alluded to this  without recognizing the stimuli his comments had on others.
A comment regarding the ancient Arabic maps triggered my search and produced the interesting map of Antarctic.. sans snow cover.
The question of how the mapmakers could draw a seacoast and elevations to an area covered in snow has been a mystery.
The answer may be no snow was present when they mapped. Consider the socalled migration of the pre-indian from Asia across the Bering  to Alaska. Supposedly the land mass was fully frozen permitting the trek. Few are foolish to venture out in subzero temperature to explore the unknown. The better explanation is the land mass across the Bering was hospitable for travel including available food and water. Another mystery is the vanishing Anazasi indian in the southwestern tip of Colorado around year 1200 AD. A major century long weather phenomena ? I mentoned to Jones on a post that one proof of his observation may be that the poles are covered with snow. The earth may be act as a " heat sink" and the temperature changes happen in phase as natural space capacitors charge and dischage to maintain order out of chaos.
Whats the point of this conjecture??? Capacitors both store energy and are used for power correction. If a black hole exists, it has a purpose in nature. The black hole theory is usually depicted as a vortex. It is seething with energy. Vortexians are diligently searching for CF.
Perhaps any attempt to " capture " it will be met with a defense mechanism, and perhaps we may should look at defense mechanisms as a clue.

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