Terry Blanton wrote:

From: "Stephen A. Lawrence"

. . . you can be 99% sure, has nothing to do with any supposed secret space station.

Assuming he is lying, what would be his motive?
I don't think he's lying.

What he said in the interview made it sound to me like he saw this list (or these lists) of military people tagged as "non-terrestrial" and he saw lists of ship names which he couldn't locate when he tried to look them up. From that, he says concluded that there's a secret space station already up there along with a "space force" which nobody's ever heard of. At least, that's how I read it -- he presented the evidence, he presented his conclusions. If he has any other evidence to support that conclusion, he didn't mention it in the interview.

In other words, he found something which seems odd, he doesn't know what it is, and he's just guessing that it's a secret space station. And I thinks it's very, very likely that his guess is wrong.

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