Yes , things are not what they seem. This statement extends to most science.
Way back when I was in school we were taught crude oil came from dinasaurs and decayed vegetable matter and this was in the early 1940's.
I have been posting a few " ringers" . One is that the sun may be a transceiver. Receiving energy in a form we do not understand. This energy could be manifested in an event similar to an arc welder electrode touching a steel surface. The sun could be a giant pece of ferrite metal (iron) with solar flares indicating an imbalance of received energy.
Throwing another " ringer" out.
Saturn the planet with rings. Impossible ! there can be no rings around a planet like Saturn without voiding basic.scientific principle.  UNLESS.. we consider there is a useful purpose for the rings. Ah ha !  The rings may be a manifestation of a gyroscope used to keep our local solar system in sinc.
OR.. a more far out thought. The rings may represent a type of " hard drive". SETI works tirelessly seeking signals from space. They may be looking at the task backward. The information they seek may be " stored " on the " discs".. the rings of Saturn.
At some point in the search for CF and new forms of energy we must begin thinking creation is NO ACCIDENT of evolution hit and miss science.
. There is a use and purpose for everything. The fact that rings appear around Saturn could mean there is a purpose for them.
Theory of a beginning , a big bang etc. may be leading us astray like the dinasaurs with crude oil.. Creation may not be creation as we attempt to " typecast" it.
It may be " eternal" with no beginning and no end, only never ending phases. This concept is impossible to grasp because we have " time " burned into our thinking. We may be interpreting the bible creation account incorrectly. It may be the event means the earth, and NOT the entire solar system was created in the six time periods which are assumed to cover some 12-15 billion years in our time measurement system. Interjecting bible scripture into science discussion is necessary because it is an important written record of the past. If we could get past the " religion" part and concentrate on the science part we can study the deep insight of what what was recorded . For example, the book of Job is an absolute masterpiece of physics principles that have weathered the years unchallenged.


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