Ed Sorms wrote

>In addition, if we believe events follow God's
>will, we hold no responsibility for what will occur. As this attitude
>takes hold, I predict that the US will drift further and further from
>reality while becoming more religious in its approach to solving
>problems, with each reaction feeding on the other.

Religion has "gone Hollywood" along with L.Ron Hubbard and John Revolta. et.al.

> The result will be
>similar to what the Christian fundamentalist predict, but in fact the
>future will be a self fulfilling prophesy of ignorant men, not the will
>of God.

The will of God hasn't changed. A close study of the bible will indicate to you that the individual will self fulfill his own prophecy.

 > The basic problem is how can we or anyone cause people to think
>rationally rather than react emotionally to the growing list of problems
>facing society? Or is this too big a question to answer?

The laws of human nature haven't changed. No one can "make" anyone do anything, evidenced by an overcrowded prison system. I have mentioned faith based belief systems in past posts.People on earth that have God's word written on their hearts sustain hope. This is a nation of hope. Can we solve the growing list of problems facing society? Not the with the approach we are using. The major task we face is one of accepting personal responsibility for oneself.

Go to any shopping mall and watch the 4 wheel drive super SUV's perform on pavement. An absolute necessity for today's citizen. One must be equipped to deal with the potholes of life.


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