[My response, e-mailed to the Crimson. If they do not publish it, I will put it on LENR-CANR.org]

To The Editors:

Jacob A. Barandes says that cold fusion was not replicated. It is a matter of fact that hundreds of researchers think they replicated it, and published peer reviewed papers claiming they did. Barandes can confirm that at the Harvard library by looking up back issues of the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, the Journal of Physical Chemistry, the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, and so on.

It may be that all of these papers are mistaken, and the replications are invalid. If Barandes thinks so, he will have to publish a peer reviewed paper himself, showing how and why mistakes were made. A skeptical or negative opinion does not get a free pass; all views must be held to the same rigorous standards.

Barandes' statements about me and my background are ad hominem and irrelevant. I did not publish these papers; electrochemists from hundreds of different universities, national laboratories and corporations published them. Barandes should question their qualifications, not mine.

Barandes can avoid a trip to the library and read the full text of over 400 cold fusion papers at our web site, http://lenr-canr.org/. Researchers from all over the world download 3,000 to 5,000 copies of these papers per week. They have downloaded over 350,000 copies since 2002. We cannot track individual users, but we know that many of these readers are students and professors, because they contact us, and because our traffic ebbs and flows with the academic calendar. (It drops close to zero during exam weeks!) If the papers were all mistaken, and all unconvincing, it seems unlikely that so many academic professionals would bother to read them.


Jed Rothwell
Atlanta, GA

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