Steven Krivit wrote..


>You didn't include the last paragraph from Barandes. It was juicy, and of
>course nasty. I'm going to keep it for historical purposes. The extreme
>point of view and the viciousness, I think, will be something fascinating
>to look back on.

I was shocked, shocked that the Crimson would print the comment. As Claude Rains said in the movie " Casablanca".. " am shocked, shocked that gambling is going on here"

Perhaps my higher expectation of Harvard to maintain an intellectual standard that challenges the mind of the student has been misplaced. Publishing such a comment degrades the licsense permitted Universities to engage in the pursuit of knowledge.Certainly, Harvard has the right to do so ..but.. at the expense of revelation of an inner conflict within the halls of academia. A conflict, unless addressed, degrades the purpose of the institution.

Certain institutions hold truths to be self evident, certain  are in the business of masquerading the truth ans some cast it to the ground.

 Harvard needs to get back to laboring in the vineyards of learning and leave the grapes of wrath be trampled by oppressors. A university cannot be both , else they become a paradox evidenced by ancient Athens,making the mistake of confusing wisdom with knowledge.

I once noticed a plaque over the bench of a criminal court's judge that stated " all that seek justice labor here".

Steven Krivit is a candidate for coming up with a CF slogan that has legs.


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