Mike Carrell

>Guess what, guys, recycling is a complex, nasty problem, not easily solved,
as difficult as anything else in society, and screaming at the government
isn't going to fix it. Like many things, market necessity is the driver and
things happen when it hurts enough. Yes, the government can help with
studies and subsidies and rules. But when the rubber hits the road, its
technology, a technology whose messiness is only appreciated when you get
serious about it.

>For starters, it is like unscrambling eggs.

Mike, all so true. Brooklyn solved the problem by railcar to wesr Texas landfills.err.. if that is considered a solution. MacDonald's will solve the problem with disposable styrofoam containers when the price of plastic reachs their null point.

Meanwhile back at the ranch here in Texas, we have 60,000 acres of  strip mine staring us in the face. Anyone have any ideas what to do with it. Talk about messy !! its like an open sore.There ain't much use for it.

My thoughts on recycling is based on the existing infrastucture " on the ground". The technology for recycling exists.. albeit in bits and pieces in small scale enterprises.. but it exists. So much of what we face as daunting tasks become feasible when applying the magic of reasoned thought and purpose.

The  thought I had in suggesting recycling on a grand scale was to give feet to Ed's suggestion by way of example. My underlying purpose is to demonstrate the Vortex group has " moxie" we are underutilizing.  CF studies are needed. Studies cost money and require teamwork. Teamwork requires co-operation. Co- operation requires university participation. Looking at the formidable task ahead is like planning a marketing program. The person that said  " build a better mousetrap and people will come knocking on your door" failed to grasp the fundamentals of the game. The reality is " show me somebody that can sell mousetraps and I can build all you can sell".

CF research must be sold as an existing product.sell the " sizzle" and not the steak. What is the sizzle in CF? It is NOT the energy it produces, it is the convenience and usefulness it affords The safety and cleanliness. The recycling ability and the abundance. It must be sold as a prduct and not as an objection to hot fusion.

That is the concept that must be sold as sizzle. How to ? you ask ?  Credibility in science. Credibility is " earned" by performance. Performance in CF  cannot be achieved without having CF " in the fist".. unless.. the salemen for CF research can demonstrate  " bona-fieds" . One such way is to present a series of thought provoking ideas that are credible.

The instant acceptance the group exhibited to the idea for " recycling" demonstrates an abiity of Vortex to use imagination. Credible ideas  can overcome resistance of  the leadership cadre at the university  and government funding levels by    demostrating credibility in other fields of technology and need. Water, air,food,  energy, healthcare, recycling.. the basics. Selling requires a marketing plan, a basic strategy.. similar to war. The object being to conquer.

 For Vortexians, anyone have any ideas for how to sell mousetraps?


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