Ed, vo,

Back in the late 1960s I had the good fortune to work as a consultant in the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy's N.Y. office. The experience illuminated the fact that while there are some true public servants in government employ, they are far outnumbered. One of the best, a senior official who became a good friend, once surprised me, when I mentioned the then current notion that "Small is Beautiful", by pointing out that large private business was urgently required, to offset the inevitable abuse anf failings within the Federal government. The many contacts I have had with officials in government agencies including the national labs, have convinced me he was, sadly, correct.

LENR, Hydrinos, and ZPE, et al, are all examples of technologies that urgently need support, especially in light of the article entitled "Ticking Time Bomb", that appeared in the Baltimore Sun last December i5th. If Jones Beene is correct, and John Atcheson, the geologist who wrote the article agrees with him, worst case we have 15 to 25 years before mammalian life in the arctic begins being snuffed out by methane clouds. These will then move south threatening all human life on earth.

Natural gas supply, according to Matthew Simmons, and Atcheson agrees, is likely to "fall off a cliff" in North America no later than 2007. Oil prices, Simmons states, will reach $100/barrel in about 5 months.

With all its failings, the only hope is rapid private sector funding and development, This is slowly, much too slowly, beginning to occur. Perhaps it will speed up considerably over the next year or so as the latter two events begin to penetrate the sad state of media coverage of these monumental problems.

If a working example of promising new energy technology can reach the market sometime next year, it may bring attention to all of these issues. That is my personal goal. I have no illusions regarding the likelhood of a rapid change in public understanding and support, but it is not impossible. No more so than the technological breakthroughs that have occured thus far. As the CoEvolution Quarterly used to be titled: What is needed is "Difficult but Possible".

Keep plugging,


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