Hey Wesley,

It's nice to know we are part of this rather than having to be led down the
path by the worlds power brokers. Do you know of anyone here in Perth that
is involved in this work? I'd love to be involved even just as an advocate
to change or in the promotion of these essential technologies.

Kind Regards,

John Rudiger
Perth   WA

Ph:-    08 9232 7150
Fax:-  08 9232 7155

-----Original Message-----
From: Wesley Bruce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2005 11:29 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: uoting from the Re: Ed's Storms hope

Black light powers Randell Mills is very smart he went around the US 
patent embargo by filing in Australia. Aussy's will rule the global; 
energy market. Now if I could only convince a few other Aussys, 
including the PM that Its real.

RC Macaulay wrote:

> Mike Carrell wrote..
> >MC: I repeat. BlackLight Power is making all the noises and signals of an
> enterprise getting ready to get out of the egg stage
> >BlackLight PowerÂ’s commercialization strategy is to nonexclusively
> license joint-venture companies (JVS) to develop, make, use, or sell its
> patented and patent-pending technology in any field any where in the 
> world.
> These independent JVCs will invest the capital and time to develop
> commercial applications of the BlackLight Process. New patented 
> technologies
> resulting from development of commercial products or processes by the JVC
> will be the property of the JVC. New patented technologies developed by
> BlackLight after the purchase of a license will be added to the original
> license. The license agreements will be offered for an annual maintenance
> fee and a minority equity position in the licensed, JVC. Companies with
> relevant capabilities or interest in developing new products or 
> valuable new
> patented technology will require a license and are encouraged to 
> contact us.
> Richard writes..
> Mike..thoughtful comments.          
>   Black Light Power has put a viable " package " together and 
> sustained it for some 15 years which is saying something for an 
> enterprise principally in the business of selling ideas to investors. 
> Over that same period of time (15 years) ,one small manufacturing 
> company I know of, designed and built a series of technically 
> sophisicated products with the beginning capital derived from the 
> monthly charitable gift awarded social security retirees. From that 
> base , as the  venture grew, the research budget rose to a paltry 350k 
> per year ( 30,000 per month). This tiny company now leads in their 
> market category and has obsoleted an entire segment of the existing 
> methodology in it's industry category dominated by two large world 
> renowned corporations.. The company is privately owned and never once 
> operated in the red. This tiny company  holds no patents, has no 
> intellectual property and has no protection from another company that 
> may wish to"copy" the product designs. The thinking being that a 
> patent is an invitation to a lawsuit. A  trademark and a copyright 
> holds more weight. The secret is in the "name" and not in the patented 
> product.
>  I once knew a guy with a wonderful idea of raising bullfrogs in a  
> pond under a natural gas flare. The business model demonstrated a frog 
> lays umteen millions eggs, from that the math get fuzzy but the gist 
> is that one can harvest a million frog legs a month at a dollar a 
> dozen. He tried to liscense the idea to me on a royalty base plus 
> cash. When asked why he didn't take the idea and run with it for that 
> kind of profit, his reply was that he was too busy with his job at the 
> carwash.
> The business plan of BLP is an interesting study of the corresponding 
> and divergent views of different  business models. I wish them success 
> because ,if they have the product they represent as having ,the world 
> is going to steal them blind by their using the marketing approach 
> they have embarked upon.
> Richard

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