The only place we can really test whether a lifter works in vacuum is in orbit. The metallic environment of most vacuum chambers may create an electrostatic force interaction that either negates the effect or creates the illusion of an effect in vacuum when there is no effect at all. We have got to get a tiny lifter to the space station and have someone throw it out the air lock and power it up for a while and see where it goes and how fast it accelerates. It needs to be light 30 grams or less but large enough, several meters, to be track able. The system of ground radars that tracks space junk may not be able track such a small craft. A mirror on the thing so a ladar on the station can track it is one option. A GPS relay chip is another.


From: Wesley Bruce
Steven You've missed a vital point of Hal 's work he argues that
the energy emited is ZPE and that an orbiting electron is both a sorce and sink for ZPE. Its got more complex since then. See:

I read both articles with some interest. Much of what was discussed has been described in countless articles in regards to "quantum fluctuations" and ZPE fields. Much of it is indeed fascinating. The most intriguing speculation concerns the property of "inertia" and the possibility that it is a product of matter interacting with ZPE fields. The theory goes on to speculate that if one can determine some kind of an asymmetric relationship in the underlying fabric of space then it might eventually be possible to design a cheap and affordable space propulsion mechanism instead of the current highly inefficient method of carrying a boatload of rocks onboard that must be constantly thrown away in order to create the famous Newtonian action-reaction phenomenon. After all, as spectacular as it might be to watch the intense orange flames shoot out from a shuttle launch one can only carry so many rocks. Incidentally this brings up intriguing research that has been performed on the "LIFTER" project (Brownian motion) as presented at Naudin's web site as well as at
See Antigravity at:
Or Naudin's at:

Unfortunately, as best as I can tell, the best evidence seems to suggest that Lifter 
"thrust" is a manifestation of its interaction with the surrounding atmosphere and not 
from the quantum ZPE fabric itself. I may be wrong on this point as there has been some evidence to 
suggest the possibility that that a small percentage of the "thrust" may actually be due 
to this ZPE interaction. I thought I read an article where they had attempted to measure lifter 
thrust within a vacuum chamber and that a tiny amount of force was actually measured, but I can't 
recall where I read this from. (Might have even been in an earlier edition of I.E. Magazine.) In 
any case I believe that at present the current evidence seems to point to prosaic explanations.

Unfortunately, neither essay explains, at least from my perspective, why one doesn't 
observe (measure) energy being radiated away from the orbiting hydrogen electrons. It 
seems almost too pat an explanation that the orbiting electron acts as a "sink".

Steven Vincent Johnson

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