I have been pondering the systemic resemblance between 
the phenomena of hot fusion/cold fusion and the phenomena 
of the hydraulic jump. The great thing about recognising 
the hierarchical nature of physical phenomena is that one 
can work from a level where it is clearly possible to see 
what is happening, to a level where there are only 
instrument readings as a guide. 

For the benefit of those Vortexians [very few I'm sure ;-) ] 
who may not know what a hydraulic jump is, I googled a 
definition. To my surprise the definition which came up 
was in terms of air rather than water, to wit,

                   Hydraulic Jump
     A steady disturbance in the lee of a mountain, 
     where the airflow passing over the mountain 
     suddenly changes from a region of low depth and 
     high velocity to a region of high depth and 
     low velocity.

Still, since most Vorts are probably more familiar with 
mountains that I am, the above definition will do nicely.

As for the water case, there is an appropriate diagram 
of a hydraulic jump at,


This diagram is rather fitting for this group since it 
shows a vortex as the transition between the two regions, 
viz. the high velocity region where the speed of the 
water is manifest, large scale and one dimensional and 
the region where the speed of the water is hidden, 
small scale and three dimensional. 

Now as a first approximation we may think of the 
deuterium in hot fusion as being in the high velocity 
low pressure state in contrast to cold fusion where the 
material is in a low velocity high pressure state. This 
will certainly give us the kind of bifurcation we are 
looking for. 

It was the natural thing is to start this way with the 
straightforward macro kinetic energy of nuclei flying 
around like gas molecules. But thinking about it more 
profoundly I realised that I had things the wrong way 

The real action in taking place at a finer scale. 
It is vital to home in on the right level. One level 
up or down and every thing is reversed. Two levels up 
or down and you have things the right way round but 
you are hopelessly off target. It's no good jemmying 
the door on the fifth, third or second floor flat 
when the sparklers are on the fourth floor.

Now the most obviously relevant levels are electric 
and magnetic field/flux/flow. 

The electric field is analogous to the high depth low 
velocity state since for a charged particle the 
electric field is isotropic, i.e. the same in all 

The magnetic field is analogous to the low depth high 
velocity state since for a charged particle the magnetic 
field is most definitely non-isotropic.

So we can now see that not only does the Beta-atmosphere 
pressure drop inside the Fluid Phase (using the term 
Fluid Phase in the hierarchical sense defined in the 
SST paper) lead to a drop in the repulsive electric 
pressure between deuterium nuclei, but it also leads 
to a corresponding increase in the magnetic field 
strength - the magnetic flux/flow. 

Nuclei lined up anti-parallel will be attracted to 
each other - will fuse - with resulting release of 
mass energy.


Frank Grimer

  et resplenduit facies eius sicut sol

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