>The myths of Hiroshima
>By Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
>08/05/05 Los Angeles Times
>The hard truth is that the atomic bombings were unnecessary. A million lives

>were not saved. 
>KAI BIRD and MARTIN J. SHERWIN are coauthors of "American Prometheus: The
This speculation is revisionist history at it's trashy worst. It is impossible
to prove a negative. What is certain is that the Japanese people were prepared
to stand behind their government which had a history of encouraging a fight
to the death, verses surrender. 

It is also certain that an American president who had allowed an invasion to
go forward with the resulting bloodbath, while sitting on several atom bombs,
would have been turned out to pasture at the next election. Ditto for having
prolonged the suffering of our prisoners. 

It is also a fact that the L A Slimes is losing subscribers, big time. Last
spring they published as news the propaganda given to one of their reporters
who uncritically published the comments  of a North Korean "businessman." Now
there's an oxymoron. 

This prompted Hugh Hewitt, www.hughhewitt.com to cancel his subscription and
encourage everyone listening to his show do likewise. 

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