Type A personalities or Suppressive Personalities rule this planet. We've
moved a little on from Feudalism.

The future will be one of peace, no want, contentment and no money system.
We will realise our place amongst a whole universe of life-forms.

Right now we're not evolved enough for it.

I *do* know this.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Zell, Chris
Sent: 09 August 2005 16:33
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: ID and scientist fear

A previous post mentions raises the issue of scientists being 'afraid'
of some things.

This is a little off topic but I recently attended a small seminar led
by Russell Targ - of CIA/Psychic Remote Viewer fame.  After witnessing
surprizing demonstrations,  you leave with the feeling that, not only is
this stuff real, but it's NO BIG DEAL in an emotional sense.
He said that he went to a conference in Brazil and the reaction was
something like "why are you bothering with this?  Of course,  psychic
exists,  everyone here knows that". He was surprized by the difference
in culture, even among the academics.

I wonder about UFOs also in regard to this strange "real, not real"
situation.  Clearly, there are 'higher-ups' in Europe who think that
American denials
of UFO's are pure BS.  The internal Cometa report in France showed this
- with suspicions expressed as to why the US keeps fighting against
disclosure. Some EU authorities were angry that US officials could
glibly dismiss events like the Belgian Triangle incident in the '80s  -
in which
an enormous black triangle floated thru the night skies, witnessed by
countless authoritative people, photographed,  tracked on radar,  and
away by NATO interceptors who couldn't catch it.

An even goofier situation has prevailed in India in which the India
Daily matter of factly discusses their military contacts with an ET UFO
located remotely in the Himilayas!  You read the newspaper and it
reports cricket scores, stock quotes,  the latest business news and an 
editorial on why they should pressure the US on the subject in  a very
serious,  non sensationalistic way.

We live in a very strange world.................. 

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