I subscribe to the concept of time as an illusion.

It was summed up quite well in a (fictional) book I
was reading the other day, in that God (or rather the
gods of the book) saw time as one moment, incompassing
all possibilites past and future, but the fate of the
world depended on the mortal perception of time as a
progression, a window which gives meaning and
definition to the endless possibilities.

I realize that this has almost no applicability to
scientific reasoning, based as it is on cause and
effect.  I feel that non-physical effects such as ESP
and certain energetic healing disciplines can
transcend this temporal barrier, but our physical
reality is forced into a linear timeline by the
demands of consciousness.

--- RC Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> BlankChris Zell wrote..
> The difference between ESP and intuitive leaps of
> understanding is simply a matter of degree.  Those
> who denigrate psychic phenomena
> probably have no problem with the sterotype of a
> light bulb appearing above their heads, as new
> concepts simply pop into their minds.
> Chris, thats a stretch. I can accept the intuitative
> rather than the physic. As I read the various posts
> on this and IT vs. Darwin etc. I think about one
> subject often ignored. 
> If we presume time to have a beginning, we place
> ourselves in a box. If we attempt to conceive time
> as " eternal" with no ending we in turn are faced
> with the question.. what if time had NO start.. it
> is eternal.. no beginning. Tryng to grasp a concept
> of time eternal is impossible to gather into one's
> focus. It would mean that...
> No matter how much time elapses from this moment on
> into eternity.. that measure of time would NEVER
> equal the amount of time that has passed. This is
> one on paradoxes facing the true scientist. The
> paradox is that it is the one scientific fact that
> is impossible to grasp in its significance.
> A proper view of time will open understanding to the
> depth of the task facing CF research.
> Richard

Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

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