Here is another example of the limited thinking ability of people in the present administration. The fact is that we get most of our oil from Mexico and South America. Even if everyone dove a Prius, the growing use by China would still give countries from which terrorists come more than enough money. If fact, if use dropped too much, Saudi Arabia would suffer civil war and the supply would drop rapidly. The only thing that will stop terrorists is a change in policy toward Israel-Palestine and toward the Arab world in general. However, using less oil would lower the price world-wide and result in less inflation in the US. As long as the people in charge think only in simple terms, nothing will change.


Terry Blanton wrote:

I like this quote:

Gaffney, who heads the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy, said 
Americans would embrace plug-ins if they understood arguments from him and 
others who say gasoline contributes to oil-rich Middle Eastern governments that 
support terrorism.

"The more we are consuming oil that either comes from places that are bent on our 
destruction or helping those who are ... the more we are enabling those who are trying to 
kill us," Gaffney said.

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