At 11:23 AM 8/18/2005, you wrote:
I visited their site. Does anyone know if they are doing anything other than hosting a website and attempting to raise capital?

Good question Thomas.

As I think is generally-known, Russ George did get a bunch of money from Solar in exchange for his "company." I put company in quotes because I honestly don't know what George, himself, has in the way of IP, or current R&D, or even a lab. He had been very avoidant to many direct questions I asked him over the last year. When he presented at the March APS conference, for all I could see, he was reviewing work he had done years ago with SRI, as well as general facts about the field. Maybe George had a lab and had been actively working on CF, but not that I could tell.

On the other hand, Tom Passell and Tom Benson have been working on a few attempted replications. I had the pleasure of visiting their lab last December.

They are (had been?) collaborating with Stringham earlier this year, working on a replication of his device, I believe, prior to joining forces with George. Gee, I wonder how the intellectual property issues is going to be handled on this one? Seems like its a volatile set of conditions.

Tom1 and Tom2 were also attempting a replication of the Energetics Technologies glow discharge work.

My visit with Tom and Tom was inspiring. They were focused and interested on the science. They were not the least bit concerned about me inspecting their apparatus, taking photos (there didn't turn out to be much that was photogenic about their setup.) They were quite open to share anything they learned with the science community.

Passell and Benson seem to have very creative minds for this work and strong backgrounds. I wish them all the best.


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