Terry Blanton wrote:
Senate Bill S 517 certain seems to do so:




and an editorial:


Moin Terry,

There was a guy on the FreeNRG group that was telling us that this was happening some years ago. He was a foreign guy that was living in Montana, I think. He was saying that the chemicals where making a lot of people and cattle sick. Some of the group speculated at the time that this might be some kind of secret immunization plan by our government to protect us against some kind of bio-attack. The combination of this guy's bad English, and the total unbelievability of the story made me think that he was just a wacko.

By the way, you posted a link to a story in the Berkeley Wellness Newsletter about a nutritional supplement that you were taking. I noticed that Dr. Lester Packer was mentioned. He is a family friend of a very good friend of mine, who is now also living here in Germany. She and Dr. Packer's son, David, aka Lesser Packer, grew up together in the Bay area. Both Packers did time at Lawrence Livermore, as well. This woman is suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, and became a walking encyclopedia on nutritional supplements after nearly dying in a UC Davis study. There were 30 original participants in the study, and 6 died before they finally brought it to a halt. She hasn't been to a regular doctor since, and although she has had her bad moments, she is currently enjoying remarkably good health. I don't know how she is going to react to the news that Germany is doing something as stupid as this spraying of barium/aluminium compounds. We both came over here to get away from stuff like that.

Are you aware of how widespread this practice has become? Like, how many countries are doing this, and which ones are they? I read some years ago a company prospectus that was suggesting doing this to track weather patterns, but it was a Russian company, and I just figured that the West would never be so insane as to even consider this sort of thing. As Gomer Pile used to say, "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!".


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