Grimer wrote..

>Since the Beta-atmosphere is a doppelganger of the
Alpha-atmosphere there is no reason why one should
not construct a cavity magnetron equivalent for the
Alpha-atmosphere using air - or even a cavity
magnetron equivalent for the Alpha-Beta overlap using

Immediately one thinks along these lines it becomes
bloody obvious what the real secret of the cavity
magnetron is.

Do you remember the water based vacuum pumps one used
in chemistry class - the ones where a constrained jet
of water passes though and sucks air out of the connected
vacuum apparatus.


Obvious  Frank has been examining his wife's perfume atomizer <grin>. Actually one needs to look no further than the pipe organ at church. Should one have an inclination toward the mischevious,  one could " re-arrange" the pipes to produce the correct resonance to shatter the faux pax diamond broache worn by Mz Fine. sitting on the 18th pew. Frank mentions an analogy to the pressure that " develops" inside the cavity. A pipe organ fits that analogy.

On the subject  of socalled " absolute" vacuum. Absolute vacuum is easily demonstrated by the use of a differential pressure gauge disregarding hysteresis.


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