I've been puzzling over how Hutchison manages to 
get such spectacular effects from his claimed 
relatively small energy input.

It occurs to me that a vortex ring (VR) is a 
combination of a B-atm. expansion strain energy 
(negative energy)and a B-atm. contraction strain 
energy (positive energy). 

Come to think of it, the formation of a vortex 
ring is very reminiscent of what's going on in 
the Hilsch Tube (HT). 

The HT separates the Quick and the Dead  8-)

The VR separates the Linear and the Transverse.

Now if we are combining a positive and a negative 
energy we only need to supply the difference. 
It is as though the wheat and the cockle are at 
each and of a see-saw. One only had to provide a 
small amount of energy to divide them into quite 
distinct populations. 

Perhaps the Maxwell demon problem has been 
approached from the wrong end -- bottom up 
instead of the top down. After all, in analysing 
Macbeth you don't start with the letters and work 
upwards. You start with the whole play and work 
downwards. The statistical distribution of 
individual letters and words may be of some small 
interest but the psychological makeup of Lady 
Macbeth is far more fascinating, wouldn't you agree? 8-)

Once positive and negative energy are separated 
then one can get energy out of each in the same 
way that the Stirling Engine can get energy out 
of hot coffee (hot infusion) on the one hand and 
ice blocks (CF) on the other. 

It is as though one is going through an 

     velocity <-> speed cycle. 

Perhaps the Carnot cycle is a particular example 
of this more general cycle.

I must really get myself a Stirling Engine capable 
of running on ice blocks. I'm sure I would find 
watching it quite inspirational.   ;^)


Frank Grimer

     et congregabuntur ante eum omnes 
    gentes et separabit eos ab invicem 
   sicut pastor segregat oves ab hedis.

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