At 04:48 pm 25/08/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>> From: Grimer
>> Also, I searched the site with "Herda" and got nada - so I am at a 
>> complete loss as to what you are on about.  8-)
>I'm sure Tom meant Haisch and Rueda.

Thanks for the info. Terry.

Neither of those names appear on the B-atm. Yahoo site either.

Even in the Vortex archives there is only one reference to 
Haisch and Rueda, and this is in a post by Jones on 
Sat, 05 Mar 2005 where he says,

   Unlike Puthoff, Sarfatti, Haisch, Rueda, etc Don can bring
   his thinking, and Dirac's mathematics, down to earth in
   understandable English. Actually Puthoff 'can' do this as
   well, but seldom does. Donald's writing style is so clear
   and logical, that one often scarcely realizes how deep into
   a precise understanding of complex math that he can take
   you. His Dirac articles are published in 'Infinite Energy'
   issues 43 and 44, available at :
   This broadening of Dirac by Hotson is the only causal,
   *direct-contact model* of the EM field with ZPE which is out
   there, at least in accessible non-mathematical form.


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