A retired physicist named Guy Richards contacted me recently. He hopes to 
perform cold fusion experiments, but he is having trouble purchasing the heavy 
water and reagents. Ed Storms told me this is because post-9/11 security has 
made it difficult for private individuals to buy such things. That sounds crazy 
but believable. Anyway, Ed suggested that Richards contact someone at a local 
university chemistry department, or someplace like that, and ask for help 
buying these things. I suggested to Richards that he send me a 
self-introduction, and I will circulate it to researchers. Perhaps someone here 
can assist him. His letter is attached.

- Jed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My name is Guy C. Richards and I live at 5566 Kilburn Avenue, Rockford, 
Illinois 61101.  I am 62 years old and have a BS in Engineering Physics from 
Michigan Tech and an MBA from Illinois Institute of Technology.  I am retired 
now two years after spending 36 years in packaging R&D at American National Can 
Co. and it's descendants.  At the bench, a manager, a director and a vice 
president of R&D I was good at finding new directions for applied research that 
would turn into new technologies or products.  (5 Issued US patents)
I started following CF in '89 right after Pons and Fleischmann went public.  
Since hydrogen was directly involved in steel can corrosion we had a number of 
references on "Hydrogen in Metals" which started my R&D sense twitching. As an 
inveterate electronic and mechanical tinkerer I felt that CF technology was 
within my reach and after retirement and moving I built a small lab on my five 
acres dedicated to CF. I have several ideas on how to repeat and enhance the CF 
effect and am at the point of doing the control data taking. My next step is to 
test the variables for which I need the materials we talked about.  The 
following list would let me get started:
D2O @ 99.96 atom % #151890 250 g  quantity-1       $266.40
Lithium 99.9 atom % # 265985 25 g  quantity-1              55.90
D2O @ 99 atom % # 435767 100g  quantity-5              335.00
                    Shipping and  handling                              51.40
                                           Grand  Total                 $708.70
If someone at a university or other lab would assist me, I would be glad to 
send a certified check or order the materials and use the lab’s shipping 
address or any other method suggested.
I am most grateful for your kind offer of assistance in this matter.  

I have prepared a proposed "hold harmless" agreement which I would be glad to 
sign. [Richards attached a copy, which I cannot attach here. - JR]

Best regards,
Guy Richards

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