Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 11:46 PM
Subject: Civilization's thin vaneer

Watching the unrestrained looting via TV in New Orleans can give one an insight why the people need the right to  keep and bare arms. In times of great calamities,  people show their base instincts were it good or evil.
The police cannot cope with  mass looting  of this scope, just stand by and watch. the animals run wild.  After the billions spent on FEMA, on the US Army Corps of Engineers, for flood and levee projects, for disaster planning, the city ceased to function and is underwater for several weeks. No water , no power, no hospitals, no services. 
As usual, the churches step in to help immediately while Bush decides to ends his vacation.. well .. errr.. maybe just one more day and fly back to Washington to take charge. Meanwhile every church has a fellowship hall, food , kitchen, restroom, ready at a moments notice and functioning to serve.

This is one natural disaster that our government knew was going to happen sooner or later (like a big earthquake in California).  The fact that there are so many problems afterwards, such as looting and even flooding, can partly be blamed on bad planning.  This is another reason why the U.S. shouldn't be spending so much money on other countries.  If we had spent the last few decades strengthening the levees and putting in modern pumping equipment with backup power, perhaps much of this disaster could have been avoided.  How rational is it to rely on pumps that rely on grid power to operate in hurricane conditions?  Of course, the power is going to go out in a hurricane and of course the pumps will stop working.  Poor planning.  They also could have inspected the levees with modern equipment over the years and reinforced weak points that gave away yesterday or redesigned them to be stronger, even rebuild them altogether and perhaps build tunnels to carry the water away from the city.  I know it would have been billions to do, but so what?  We just spent $300 Billion + prosecuting a war overseas, we can't spend that sort of money here to make a better country?!?  This chaos in New Orleans is partly a testament to our poor planning as a society for an inevitable natural disaster.

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