----- Original Message ----- From: "Jed Rothwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-L@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 1:30 PM
Subject: Gasoline panic has begun in Atlanta

a friend of mine with an SUV just called. She went to three gas stations in Atlanta and they were out of gasoline. The fourth one, Citigo, was selling premium gasoline at $3.50 per gallon and they expect the price to rise to $4.00 within a few days.

I told her "serves you right for driving that big car!" It serves the whole damn nation right. I am sorry, but I have zero sympathy for people who drive gas guzzlers. They should have known this was going to happen sooner or later.

I expect this is a deliberately induced shortage, and it will be temporary. Atlanta is gasoline pipeline distribution point for most of the East Coast and we have millions of tons of gasoline about 2 miles from where I am sitting, so I think is extremely unlikely there is an actual shortage. But fundamentally there is a worldwide shortage of oil and it will only get worse. My wife is worried there may be riots, but I doubt it.

- Jed

I heard on CNBC that one of the pipelines to Atlanta is expected to have power by tomorrow evening. Not sure if the gasoline will be flowing, but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I agree, this is just an indication of the energy problems to come. Now we can all see just how quickly a commodity can move up in price when it's in short supply. What will happen when peak oil is reached?

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