The two catches with Electric cars.

   * The batteries have to be anchored in such a way that they don't go
     flying around in a crash. This means that most retrofits are
     illegal and factory built EV have to be reinforced heavily. Its a
     major cost and design problem.
   * The batteries are often 60 to 80% the cost of the car but must be
     replaced after only a few years of use, a few hundred
     charge/discharge cycles if your lucky. 500-600 for lead acid
     batteries. This means your replacing 70% of the cars value each
     two years or so.

There are several innovations that help. One solution is to buy the car and rent the batteries. That would make EV much cheaper but rental of the batteries is not yet profitable.
Another is the metal air cells from
The third is flywheels
And compressed air
I have a paper on the air car in the cue in the Infinite Energy magazine. Its passed peer review apparently. The air car is the one that will benefit most from the advent of cold fusion energy sources and is best placed to serve as an early deployment of CF in a vehicular context. It can convert heat into work in the most efficient way.

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Terry Blanton wrote:

These folks convert old junkers:

Wonderful! It is a zany idea, but so were the first backyard hippy wind turbines in Denmark in the 1980s. A carpenter named Christian Riisager launched the Danish wind industry with a 22 kW backyard wind turbine, and now the industry employs 20,000 people and manufactures 3,100 MW (nameplate) per year, or the equivalent of 1.1 average U.S. nuclear power plants (actual). See:

This site describes a Geo Metro conversion: "This Geo Metro EV has been clocked at just over 70mph at 96 vdc, with good cooling. The motor consumes approx. 120-150 amps on flat ground at cruising speed." That is better performance than the original equipment gasoline engine.

Describing the VW: "The Batteries can also be installed under the back seat or in the engine compartment if desired.Some have even cut out the top of the gas tank and installed 4 batteries there. This set-up is fully upgradeable to higher voltages, up to 96vdc and 16 batteries for a top speed of 70+ MPH and a range of up to 70 miles per charge. . . . Regen braking is inherant in this basic kit by simply down shifting , and watching the amp meter go backwards." I love it!!!

- Jed

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