Steven Krivit wrote:

> Gennulmuns,
> I'm not following this thread to closely, but a reporter sent this
> to me the other day. Seems to be some parallel.
> FYI:
> At 06:17 AM 9/19/2005, you wrote:
>> The above is a link ...

WHOOPS!  The above web site is fraudulant, almost surely!  Dig this quote
from the front page:

> When the world sees this fabulous unit and listens to how up to 100%
> of the world's greenhouse gases can be eliminated when one of these
> units is added ...

They're adding a "small, fractional" amount of hydrogen to a mix
of hydrocarbons and air.  When the hydrocarbons which remain in
the mix burn they've got to produce some CO2.  So, it's flatly impossible
for this device to eliminate "100% of the ... greenhouse gasses" even
from a single engine, let alone eliminating them from all the world.

With a bogus claim like that being made right up front I think we can
safely ignore everything else they have to say.

>> I discovered after an article ran in our local daily newspaper on
>> Saturday. The article was buried, but basically stated it's an
>> invention you attach to your car and it produces hydrogen which is
>> fed into your car engine - sounds familiar.
>> According to the inventor,

Whom, as we have already seen, above, is either a liar or a fool...

>> the Canadian government is so impressed they're featuring it at
>> their booth during the upcoming World Kyoto convention in
>> Montreal. Nov.28 - Dec.9.

Perhaps... or perhaps not.

>> And I believe they're introducing the product at a
>> conference this Friday.

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