Sounds like socialism to me.  It worked great in the USSR.  I'm sure it will
be terrific here.

Nixon tried gas rationing.  We had gas lines wrapped around the block.

The law of supply and demand will set the proper price and there will be no
lines and no shortages.  People who decide they can't afford it will do one
of the following:

1.  get a smaller car
2.  carpool
3.  take public transportation
4.  get a motor cycle
5.  get a bicycle
6.  move closer to their place of employment

People will do none of these above options without the economic pressure of
a rising gas price.

The days of the 60-90 minute commute must come to an end.  Only high gas
prices will end it .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Standing Bear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: The Grip of Gas

> All that four dollar gas price is going to do is guarantee a depression
> radicalization of our politics as the poor finally are driven to find
> voice.  The better solution and a better one for political stability is to
> impose rationing.  Another solution would be to follow the Mexican
> example and nationalize the resource and its distribution networks, as
>  the industry has shown itself rapaciousely avaricious on too many
> occasions.  Once nationalized, the problem of fair distribution can be
> solved by rationing. We could encourage the sidelining of gas guzzlers
> by taxing new large vehicles like SUVs.  The old ones will wear out in
> time and sideline themselves.
> Standing Bear

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