Standing Bear wrote:

On Wednesday 28 September 2005 20:15, Wesley Bruce wrote:
Alex Caliostro wrote:
set the controls for the heart of the sun

2000 miles in a cramped position

any of our friends downunder know whos leading


You mean a baked position. I mean really hot! They cross the Gibson Desert in those coffins somebody is going to get a heat stroke, maybe
quite a few somebodies

Standing Bear

They carry quite a lot of water in those little solar cars and cooling the drivers is down to a fine art. These days their going quite fast and the draft cools them down a bit. Less sunlight gets through the tiny windows than on a normal sedan. Some cars stop often for water refills from the support vehicle. Some teams can rotate the drivers. Driver endurance and water waight are the major desugn challenge rather than soler or battery performance. That said in the deserts of Australia we loose the odd tourist every year. Its winter over here and the deserts wet this year. They've had cars and support trucks bogged and camp sites flooded. and I should mention the frog plague of biblical proportions! =-O OT: Every few years we invite US army people over for joint exercises and tell them not to go swimming in our tropical rivers. Some how yanks never get the message and one end up crocodile tucker. We’ve sent back one less yank almost every time. We just lost two tourists this week the same way. Crocks 8 verses US Marines 0.

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