Hi Nick,

Thanks for the help. It is possible that working prototypes may start to appear in the near future. For this reason alone, it would be beneficial to everybody on the planet if the environmental activists start learning some basics about this field so that when they start to hear about it in the press, they are well-informed and able to respond thoughtfully.

All the best,


At 04:49 AM 10/1/2005, you wrote:
Steve - I emailed your cold fusion report PDF file to the executive director of Friends of the Earth UK, along with the following message.
Hello XXX,
                I am Nick Palmer - I used to be the coordinator of Friends of the Earth Jersey local area group. About 10 years ago, when Charles Secrett was Director, I tried to introduce a motion to FOE Conference about the increasing evidence that "Cold Fusion" was actually real and had not been disproved in 1989. I believed then, and do now, that the threat of climate change is such, and the stupidity of vested interests and inertia of people is so great, that we are going to need additional sources of energy before alternative energy can get big enough to make a difference to greenhouse gas levels - particularly in the developing countries that Kyoto allows to make less effort. There are already calls for a new generation of nuclear power stations and we don't want that, except as a last ditch emergency climate repair mechanism.
    If you could spare the time, could you please give the attached PDF file a look. It updates the story. There have been hundreds of successful experiments performed since and thousands of published scientific papers which, because of the negative image associated with the subject,  have "establishment science's" blind eyes turned towards them. Most of these papers can be seen on the website http://www.lenr-canr.org/  which is  the de facto archive for everything to do with this subject. The advantage of "Cold Fusion" over standard hot fusion and fission is the almost total absence of dangerous radioactivity. I can also recommend the "e-book" by the archivist of this website as a quick speculative guide to the enormous environmental and social benefits that clean, cheap, low tech energy could give the world (or am I teaching granny to suck eggs here !?! ) http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/RothwellJcoldfusiona.pdf  (6 MB)
    Sorry for the intrusion if you have seen this stuff before.
Nick Palmer

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