Jones Beene wrote:

The efficiency of the system is irrelevant. If every single leaf, grass, branch and food crop that grows in North America were converted into ethanol with 100% efficiency it would not be anywhere near enough.

Whoa !!! This is so outrageously false it defies the imagination !!!!

Nope. It is correct, as I shall show below.

Don't you have a calculator?

As a matter of fact, I do. Let's go over three methods of estimating this.

Method 1. You estimated 40 tons of wood per acre. Assuming those are metric tons, that's 40,000 kg per 4047 square meters, or 10 kg per meter. Ordinary wood produces 15 MJ per kg, so that's 150 MJ/year. There are 31,557,600 seconds per year, so that comes to 5 watts per m^2. I find that a little implausible but perhaps in an area where the growing season lasts all year, for trees which shade the ground considerably, it is possible. It is within an order of magnitude of my estimate.

Method 2. Take the entire US land area and divide by population. You get about 2 ha per person, but unfortunately half that land is not arable. It is desert, steep rocky mountain, asphalt or Wall Mart floorspace. Arable land in the US is estimated at about a hectare per person. In Florida or the tropics with the Sun directly overhead is produces about 1020 kW per square meter (, but in the US lower 48 it's about 900 Watts I think. Photosynthesis is roughly 0.1% effective, so that comes to 0.9 watts/m^2. However, the sun only shines 12 hours per day, and in the US the growing season is six months per year, so that comes to about 0.23 W/m^2. In Florida, maybe 0.5 W/m^2.

As I said, the average American has about 1 ha of productive land per person (10,000 m^2), so this comes to 2.3 kW continuous power. That is impressive. It is enough to run your house and your car, but unfortunately Americans use a lot more energy than that. See the Annual Energy Review, Table 1.5. The total is 338 million BTU per capita, or 356,609 MJ. Divide jules by seconds per year (31,557,600) and you get 11.3 kW continuous consumption, almost all of it fossil fuel. In other words, my back-of-the-envelope estimate is that we consume roughly four times more than all photosynthesis creates, whereas Pimentel, using a much more sophisticated and careful method, came up with two times more than all photosynthesis. (Yesterday I said that farmland produces only about one third as much biomass as the fossil fuel we consume. The numbers I am estimating here is for all land including national parks and other non-farmland, which Pimentel estimates at 50% of fossil fuel.)

Very roughly, Pimentel is estimating that the average U.S. land per capita produces 5 kW/ha continuously, or 0.5 watts. That is somewhat more optimistic than me, but still an order of magnitude below your optimum tree growing area. That's quite plausible. Even on the land I own, some areas are far more productive than others. Are you sure this does not include fertilizer? That would be an external energy input.

Method 2. Take the old rule of thumb that in hard times an acre garden can support a family of four. This was true in the UK and the US, in the preindustrial era without massive amounts of fertilizer. (You can ignore animal or tractor input energy because that does not increase yields much. Mainly it reduces human labor.) Assume the family follows the European tradition, and disposes of human waste elsewhere, but it brings in a roughly an equal amount of animal manure. Plus the family mulches kitchen scraps, such as pea pods and corn silk. The RDA diet is about 2000 kcal per day, although I doubt that a premodern family of four scraping by with an acre garden ate 8000 kcal per day, let's say they did. To put it another way, a person with a modern quarter acre garden can grow just about all the food he eats, assuming he trades some of it to avoid dietary monotony. My mother-in-law lives on this amount of land. (She has plenty of other land for cash crops.) Actually, US land is not as productive as land in places like Japan, which has a longer growing season and much more rain. Third world farmers barely survive on 0.1 ha per person (0.25 acres).

Okay, so 4,000 kcal = 16.7 MJ, and there are 86,400 seconds per day, so that comes to 193 W, which is close to the estimate for basal metabolism plus the amount of work you do in a day. 0.25 acres = 1012 m^2, so that's 0.2 W/m^2, over the course of a year. That is about in line with what I estimated before. Remember this is for land without modern agriculture; i.e., no energy input. Of course, a person does not get to eat every calorie of food grown in a garden. Insects eat a significant amount, there is spoilage, bacteria, stalks, pea pods and other left-overs which are plowed back into the ground. Still, people and other animals are remarkably good at exploiting food resources, so it is a reasonable estimate that we eat about 2/5ths of the food calories. (We excrete some of them, but I have accounted for that already.) That brings us back to Pimentel's estimate.

Any questions?

- Jed

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