Wesley Bruce wrote:

They're reinventing the whelel again. I have a full set of data on the orbital beam power technology designs built with luna material. These are 1969-79 designs. . . .

Sure. The only nutty part is beaming the power all the way from the moon. That is too far! I suppose the beam would spread out and affect everyone.

Isn't L5 kind of far, too? Maybe we could intercept and reconstitute the beams close to earth.

Using lunar material was probably a good idea back in 1979, but now I think we should give serious consideration to building a space elevator instead. That would lower the cost of sending materials from Earth so much that would be no need to go to the moon. As some readers here have pointed a space elevator is presently impossible. The carbon filament is not strong enough yet. But it looks like progress is being made, and we may reach that goal in a few years.

- Jed

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