OrionWorks wrote:

Mr. Rothewell,

I do not believe Mr. Goering is joking.

Ah, well, in that case . . .

If he *is* for real -- or he is faking it but his brand of black humor bothers you -- then I recommend you auto-delete his messages. Life is too short to let such people bother you. It is not as if he is saying anything useful.

I hesitate to auto-delete some people because they post good messages sometimes, but irritating stuff at other times. I suppose I myself am guilty of that.

Treating this subject of overpopulation seriously for a moment, my views are expressed in chapter 16 of the book: "Reducing population will reduce pollution. The two problems are linked, obviously. All else being equal, the more people there are, the more pollution they cause. But all else is never equal. The amount of pollution produced per capita can vary tremendously. In most nations, including the U.S., there is still scope to reduce it dramatically. . . ."

(I see that I did not source that statement in the footnotes . . . Hmmm . . . For the record, this is the conventional view shared by most population experts and demographers. I learned it as a child, from my mother, who was a demographer.)

- Jed

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