----- Original Message -----
From: "Kyle Mcallister" <
To: <
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: The Cheapest Way To Fix The Energy Crisis (and lots of other

> My faith in the human race and its future is shaken.

Kyle, you seem surprised that there are really guys like Goering out there.
There has to be a bunch of them because their reasoning is based on
evolutionary beliefs and we all know how pervasive that is.

Here is another really unsettling consideration.  If evolution is true, then
one race would naturally be superior to the others.  For the races to be
equal would be totally unnatural.

I think God made us equal, but evolution definitely would not.  Evolution
was one of the foundations of Hitler's Nazi Germany.  It justified their
actions by allowing them to declare Jewish people an inferior race.  The
worst horrors the world has ever seen were based on evolutionary beliefs!

It's "survival of the fittest" so Darwin said: dog eat dog, the law of the
jungle, looking out for number one!

So, what group of people are the fittest?  Who is hanging on to the highest
rung of the evolutionary ladder?  Is it the biggest? The strongest? The
smartest?  The whitest?  Or, will it will end up being the group with the
most power due to accrued wealth?

Are we the products of eons of selfish competition, or are we sons of God?

Where does morality such as compassion and self sacrifice come from?  The
act of reducing ones own chance of survival to increase the chances for one
less fortunate is a stark violation of evolutionary principles. It is
illogical.  If evolution produces morality than it must be seen as a harmful

We have all encountered or at least heard of people who seem to have no
morality.  Everything they do is filtered thru "what will this get for me".
Some people who appear to do good unselfishly are merely angling for a
greater good for themselves in the future.  Beyond that there are people who
do good with no chance of compensation.  But, some of these do it simply
because of an addiction to the "warm fuzzies".  True compassion and self
sacrifice may, unfortunately, be quite a rare thing.

Nevertheless, we see and hear of acts of compassion and self sacrifice on a
regular basis that stop us in our tracks,  bring tears to our eyes, reaffirm
our faith in humanity, and make us say to ourselves, "I hope that I am
capable of that".

Faith in God draws us upward, but belief in evolution is a snare that will
drag us downward to destruction.


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