"THE CAR THAT MAKES ITS OWN FUEL A unique system that can produce Hydrogen inside a car using common metals such as Magnesium and Aluminum was developed by an Israeli company. The system solves all of the obstacles associated with the manufacturing, transporting and storing of hydrogen to be used in cars. <snip> Amnon Yogev, one of the two founders of Engineuity, and a retired Professor of the Weizmann Institute, suggested a method for producing a continuous flow of Hydrogen and steam under full pressure inside a car. <snip> The Hydrogen car Engineuity is working on will use metals such as Magnesium or Aluminum which will come in the form of a long coil. The gas tank in conventional vehicles will be replaced by a device called a Metal-Steam combustor that will separate Hydrogen out of heated water. The basic idea behind the technology is relatively simple: the tip of the metal coil is inserted into the Metal-Steam combustor together with water where it will be heated to very high temperatures. The metal atoms will bond to the Oxygen from the water, creating metal oxide. As a result, the Hydrogen molecules are free, and will be sent into the engine alongside the steam. The solid waste product of the process, in the form of metal oxide, will later be collected in the fuel station and recycled for further use by the metal industry." --- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Vortexians- Any type of hydrogen source would be > acceptable. > Either hydrogen made on board or > hydrogen bought from > your local supplier. I was hopping the > race would also > demonstrate the infracstructure > requirements and solutions > for the so called hydrogen economy > coming. > -ges- > > > Merlyn Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005